Well Water Services

Well Busters provides a variety of water well services:

(a first step to see if your well is adequately protected — we’ll determine your need for Well Busters services)

Well UpgradesWell Head Upgrades
(to eliminate well pits and/or other well problems which may lead to contamination)


Well Abandonment
(to properly decommission hazardous and unused wells)

Flow TestingFlow Testing
(real estate and mortgages, domestic, commercial or industrial, engineering, rural lands development, etc.)

Well CertificationWell Certification (to inspect and certify that wells meet current well construction codes)

Flow TestingWater Supply System Assessment
(to determine adequacy of system to meet peak household demands)

Well RehabilitationWell Rehabilitation
(to improve well yields, disinfect, etc.)

Water QualityWater Quality Assessment
(to provide pumping and/or sampling to evaluate potability of drinking water supply and/or other Ontario drinking water quality standards/objectives)